Customized Training Program For Jameel House Of Traditional Arts In Cairo – 2023

Introduction & Challenges

The customized training program is designed in accordance with the Jameel House vision “The prince’s Foundation school of traditional arts”. The customized program aim at bridging the gap between the graduates earned skills and the market need. The program offered by Aldaffa targeted overcoming a major challenge that face graduates from Jameel House ; to make their own business plan and target the right customer segment.


Aldaffa together with Rithu by Hanaa Moussa recommended a customized training program with the following aim: Offering consultancy for Jameel house graduates / final semester students in order to transform their work into a successful start-up.

Scope of Services

Root cause analysis for Obstacles challenges facing the business. Evaluation of existing Business plan Product/ service]. Market Analysis and customer segmentation. Analysis of Business competitors.