Customized Training Proposal for TMG – 2023

Introduction & Challenges

This customized training program aims at offering a rich learning experience that includes participants from TMG as part of the experience , and not just as audience. The program is tailored to fulfill the needs of TMG in achieving both cost control and budget auditing . TMG group struggled with two major problems; firstly,Accounting and Analysis of Financial Statements, and secondly, Effective Budgeting and Cost Control. The top mangers have to deal with deffencies and unclear budget estimations.


Aldaffa recommended a customized training program with the following aim: Supporting participants to understand main concepts of cost management and budgeting, while-introducing best practices for warning signs and remedial actions.

Scope of Services

Selection and coordination with instructors. Setting out program objectives in accordance with TMG needs. Preparing Courses outlines. Performance monitoring of Instructors and evaluating of attendees’ feedback.